New President

SHERLOCK 2024!!!!

Sherlock, full name Sherlockly H. Jones, is a 43-year-old feline who would make a great president of the united states. do not let his European name fool you, he is a patriotic, god-fearing, red-blooded AMERICAN HERO. at the age of only a single month, he successfully brought peace to the city of new york, only to unintentionally fire it up again when the citizens began to compete over his approval, at which point he ONCE AGAIN reinstated the peace by sacrificing time and sleep to give every new yorker equal time to spend with him! Less than a year later he dove in front of a train, skillfully dodging any potential injury, in order to save a lost toddler who had wandered onto the tracks! 

he has a net worth of 500 billion, once a full trillion but he gave HALF of his hard-earned money to various charities to help with dire causes like homelessness, cancer research, ending racism and bigotry of any form, and many, many more! if not for his intellect we may have gone into another great depression in 2008 but he developed an elaborate plan in order to avoid that fate. 

speaking of his intellect he has an IQ score of 436, an almost anomalous feat! quite possibly the highest score in all of history! it's no wonder he is so successful! a little known fact is that he alone found cures for at least 4 terminal diseases so successfully that they are now virtually forgotten and risked his life doing it by staying behind in the laboratory to continue searching for a cure after everyone else had evacuated due to a hurricane. he manages to find the cure before the hurricane even arrived and once it did he confronted POSSIDEN HIMSELF and intimidated him to stop the hurricane. immediately after he traveled to the SuperBowl and won with a touchdown at the last moment!

for these and hundreds more reasons we recommend that YOU do your part and vote SHERLOCK in 2024!